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Nathania Frith

Certified Consultant

My Story

I joined Scentsy in February of 2018 as a way to obtain extra income so that I could do fun things for myself without having to take money away from our bills. Over the course of the last (almost) two years, I have shifted from using the money for me to using it to help pay off our credit cards. Even a little bit extra goes a long way and I couldn't be happier to call Scentsy my business.
I love having the freedom to sell something that I love and share these products with my friends, family and customers. I look forward to all the new things Scentsy has brought to my life, and the new opportunities that I've gotten to experience.
My hope is to take Scentsy as far as it will let me and I don't intend on giving up! Scentsy is that important to me and I am proud to call myself a consultant.

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